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Keeping Young At Heart

Life has a way of getting by us. With a blink of an eye,we find ourselves middle aged bogged down with responsibilities. It feels like yesterday that I was patiently awaiting my 16th birthday so I could go for my drivers permit...and I did the day after my birthday.

Here I am now,wife and mother of three young adults.(2, I gave birth to and one who came to live with me). I sit here and think about all the things I still want to do.This isn't exactly a bucket list because it's things I would do over and over again.

A couple of weeks ago I had the perfect opportunity to revert back to my childhood. I have always loved the rain. Along with the thunder and lightning. It was one of those days where the skies grew black and it was just a matter of time before it was going to pour.

Suddenly it started to come down in buckets. I looked out my window and ran downstairs to the front door. Opened up the door and ran outside.I proceeded to jump in the puddles and run down the street with my arms spread out and my face to the sky. Just the feeling of the rain on my face brought back so many memories of my childhood.

By the time I came back in I was saturated.My son looked at me and said," Mom,it really doesn't take a lot to make you happy does it." Nope Jess it doesn't! Namaste.

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