Redecorating On A Budget
Last February I had grown tired of my surroundings and decided I needed a change. I just felt that things were too lived in. My furniture...
Keeping Youth In Your Heart
As we get older we all get caught up in everyday life. Days,weeks and years fly by.Before you know it your children start having...
Keeping Young At Heart
Life has a way of getting by us. With a blink of an eye,we find ourselves middle aged bogged down with responsibilities. It feels like...
If You Are Going To Sound Off Publicly,At Least Know What You Are Talking About.
Social Media can be a wonderful thing. It can also be a very damaging thing when it comes to people's opinions. You know what they...
Sometimes the Old Ways Are the Best Ways.
As I have recently been thrown into a situation of watching small children ,I have made an observation.Many of these kids have no basic...
How Do You Explain Death To Children?
This has been a really life changing year or so for our family. We experienced unexpected death which always throws you for a whirl.My...
Do Our Fur Babies Reincarnate-Part 2
Kiwi (cannoli) March 15, 2018 I took the dog in and after 2 days felt myself growing fond of her. I still was not ready to adopt but my...
Do Our Fur Babies Reincarnate ? Part 1
Paris- April 4,2004- March 15, 2018 In one of the chapters of my book ,"Their Whispers Tell A Story" I write about our beloved chihuahua...
Where Has Our Humanity Gone?
I try to avoid the news. I know many think that is a horrible way to live your life(with blinders on). It's just that I have gotten so...
Reading Lab Tests.How accurate are they?
As you may have noticed I am on a medical rant lately. This is due to being so frustrated with conventional thinking in much of the...